banner UMV5


Discretion and resilience

Our R&D team conceived the UMV5 with a discrete design and functionality suitable for access control. With this terminal, you can control the opening of a door or any other type of physical barrier. A piece of equipment with a proven track record of suitability for use, durability and constant improvement.


  • Controller for opening doors or other physical barriers
  • Ethernet communication, with online and offline operation
  • Sturdy equipment with a biometric reader and/or card reader
  • Discrete design
  • Local or remote configuration and diagnosis

What for?

  • Attendance
    • Registering the start/end of work
  • Access Control
    • Automation of door and barrier opening
    • Validation carried out locally or centrally
    • Anti-passback
    • Generation of alarms for improper actions
  • Audible and visual signalling
opened UMV5

The functional and discrete design of the UMV5 terminal makes it particularly

suitable for access control.

UMV5 RFID Mifare, DESFire or RF125

UMV5 RFID Mifare, DESFire or RF125

UMV5 Fingerprint

UMV5 Fingerprint

UMV5 RFID Mifare, DESFire or RF125 + Fingerprint

UMV5 RFID Mifare, DESFire or RF125 + Fingerprint





featured image RUC


featured image TUX500


featured image TUX900


featured image UMV5


featured image UMV6

More than 700 companies trust Actuasys

adp_aguas_de_portugal_servicos_ambientais_sa_umv5.png barhold_sa_umv5.svg brisa_auto_estradas_de_portugal_sa_umv5.png ctt_correios_de_portugal_sa_umv5.svg rtp_radio_e_televisao_de_portugal_sa_umv5.svg agrogarante_soc_de_garantia_mutua_sa.jpg aguas_do_vale_do_tejo_sa.png amt_consulting_lda.svg anacom_autoridade_nacional_de_comunicacoes.jpg aquapor_servicos_sa.svg auchan_portugal_hipermercados_sa.svg banco_bnp_paribas_personal_finance_sa.png brunswick_marine_emea_op_lda.svg cabelte_incasa_ind_navarra_de_cables_sau.png casa_das_lampadas_sa.svg dia_portugal_supermercados_soc_unip_lda.svg eda_electricidade_dos_acores_sa.svg epal_emp_port_das_aguas_livres_sa.svg fagricoop_coop_agricola_e_dos_prod_de_leite_de_vnf_crl.png fisipe_fibras_sinteticas_de_portugal_sa.png fundacao_pao_de_acucar_auchan_ipss.png general_cable_cel_cat_energia_e_telecomunicacoes_sa.png grupo_antolin_lusitania_sa.svg ihru_instituto_da_habitaçao_e_reabilitaçao_urbana.png ipma_instituto_portugues_do_mar_e_da_atmosfera_ip.svg lear_corporation_valenca_lda.png navigator_added_value_sa.svg norgarante_sociedade_de_garantia_mutua_sa.png osi_sistemas_informaticos_e_eletrotecnicos_lda.svg rodoviaria_do_alentejo.png secretaria_geral_da_educaçao_e_ciencia.svg sfpc_sociedade_franco_portuguesa_de_capacetes_sa.png sika_portugal_produtos_para_a_construcao_e_indústria_sa.svg simar_serv_int_de_agua_e_resid_municip_loures_e_odivelas.png sovena_portugal_consumer_goods_sa.png teatro_nacional_d_maria_ii_epe.svg tratolixo_trat_residuos_solidos_eim.jpg valmet_lda.png vanpro_assentos_lda.svg viagens_abreu_sa.png

Other Equipment


Biometric facial readernot filled blue dotfilled blue dotnot filled blue dotnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Biometric fingerprint readerCapacitiveCapacitiveCapacitiveCapacitiveCapacitive
RFID card readerMifare or DESFireMifare or DESFireMifare, DESFire or RF125Mifare, DESFire or RF125Mifare or DESFire
Bluetooth readerApp Virtual Cardnot filled blue dotnot filled blue dotnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Double identification (Bio + Mifare)filled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled white dotnot filled blue dot
DisplayGraphic touch 7"Graphic touch 4"Alphanumericnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Supports HR Billboardfilled blue dotfilled blue dotnot filled blue dotnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
CommunicationsEthernet or Wi-FiEthernet or Wi-FiEthernet or Wi-FiEthernetUSB
Autonomous offline operationfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled white dotnot filled blue dot
Entry by door opening sensorfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled white dotnot filled blue dot
Entry by door opening buttonfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled blue dotnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Additional digital entries1not filled blue dot1not filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Exit by door opening controllerfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled white dotnot filled blue dot
Additional digital exits (doorbell rings, etc.)2not filled blue dot2not filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Electrical supply85-265 VACnot filled blue dot230 VAC12/18 VDCUSB
Alternative supply by PoEfilled blue dotfilled blue dotfilled blue dotnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Internal battery (UPS)filled blue dotnot filled blue dotfilled blue dotnot filled white dotnot filled blue dot
Measurements in millimeters (width x height x depth)291 x 152 x 74TUX510 154 x 89 x 44 TUX530 198 x 89 x 44 TUX550 200 x 89 x 44211 x 171 x 8065 x 229 x 5960 x 91 x 36

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